Got Attitude Give Commands!
Well the new Command House Clothing website is finally here and what a
journey it’s been! To call it a rollercoaster ride is an understatement but all
good things take time, courage and a lot of perseverance. This is the first of
what will be a regular blog on all things Command House, a genuine voice away
from the usual corporate lines that goes in deep into what keeps our clothing
ticking. You will get to read here first the latest developments on our new
releases but more importantly a precedence will be set to detail what makes
Command House unique....its people. It’s not always easy to find or build a
spirit within a company, or make dream into a reality...we've always gone with
the notion to keep our minds open to new ideas (but not so much that our brains
fall out : ) comments, criticisms good, bad or just plain’s the
place to make your opinions count!
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